Our physicians

47 doctors found | All doctors

David Balakhaneh, MD


Phone: (516) 945-3000

Fara Bass, DPM


Phone: (718) 743-1400

Bennett H. Brown, MD

Orthopedic Surgeon

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Joseph A. Cardinale, MD


Phone: (516) 536-2800

Kenneth Chua, MD


Phone: (516) 945-3000

Cheryl E. Daves, MD

Pain Management Specialist

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Ryan Dunst, MD


Phone: (516) 945-3000

John Feder, M.D.

General Orthopedics

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Robert Fisch, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Robert Garroway, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Bradley Gerber, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

James Germano, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Brian Goldstein DO

Pain Management Specialist

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Lance Gordon, MD


Phone: (516) 945-3000

Jenny Kam, MD


Phone: (516) 945-3000

Dan Kaufman, MD


Phone: (516) 945-3000

Eric Keefer, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Scott Koenig, M.D.

Orthopedic Surgeon

Phone: Phone (516) 536-2800

Ryan Krochak, MD

Sports Medicine Physician

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Jacob Leigh, DPM


Phone: (516) 295-3338

Brett Lenart, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 887-0890

Craig Levitz, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Sports Medicine

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Gregory Lieberman, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Jeffrey E. Mait, M.D.

General Orthopedist

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Moiz Manaqib, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Charles Milchteim, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Victor Milloul, MD


Phone: (516) 945-3000

Joshua Mitgang, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Zachary Musella, DPM

Podiatric Medicine

Phone: (516) 295-4740

James Paci, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine, Orthopaedic Sports Medicine

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Arthur Pallotta, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery, Hand Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Michael Palma, DO


Phone: (516) 945-3000

Ruthann Parise DPM


Phone: (516) 593-8585

Elizabeth Piselli, DPM


Phone: (631) 287-1818

Eric Price, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Sports Medicine

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Walter Rho, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Alpesh Shah, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Sports Medicine

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Robert Stein, DPM


Phone: (516) 374-3668

Andrew Tarleton, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 887-0890

Lawrence Tesser, DPM


Phone: (516) 377-7701

David Tesser, MD

Plastic Surgery

Phone: (516) 377-2738

Jonathan Ticker, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Daniel Ulicny, MD


Phone: (516) 945-3000

Tiffany Wu, M.D.

Hand and Upper Extremities Specialist

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Daniel Yadegar, MD

Pain Medicine, Physical / Rehab Medicine

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Paul Yazhemsky, MD


Phone: (516) 945-3000

David Zaret, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Phone: (516) 536-2800

Compliance HelpLine
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We encourage employees, medical staff, vendors, patients, and business partners to report to Janice Stewart, Compliance Officer at 516.266.5014 or the Compliance HelpLine any actual or suspected violations of the Center’s policies and procedures and/or federal or state law. Calls received by the Compliance HelpLine are most often inquiries but can sometimes be reports of potential misconduct. Our investigatory process includes many methods to determine whether any misconduct occurred. Compliance takes all calls seriously. Inquiries are reviewed by the Compliance Officer and may also be reviewed by other applicable departments.
The Center’s Compliance HelpLine is available 24 hours a day, even days a week. Compliance HelpLine callers may remain anonymous and those who choose to give their name will have their identities protected to the extent allowed by law. The Compliance HelpLine has multi-lingual operators who can take reports from individuals whose first language is not English. The Compliance HelpLine can be reached by calling (800) 894-3226 or by visiting www.Northwell.ethicspoint.com online or by scanning the QR code.